The Biblical Perspective on the Mind/Body Problem, Part One

Adapted from a presentation to the Winter Institute on Counseling in Medicine given in San Diego, February, 1992. This essay is the first of two parts.

The old ditty has it: “What is mind? No matter. Well, then, what is matter? Never mind.” That’s not very funny, but it’s quite descriptive of our knowledge. That’s about all that many Christians can say about the mind-body question, “Well, mind isn’t body and body isn’t mind.” And, yet, there is much more we need to say and many things we need to think about very seriously.

My intention is to move us a bit farther along the road to understanding in this area – not to complete the job but to move us somewhere beyond total ignorance. The title contains five important items. The first is biblical, biblical perspectives. That means that we’re going to base our approach on Scripture. The Scriptures are the basis and ultimate authority for our conclusions. I shall presuppose the Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God, given as the infallible rule of faith and practice concerning everything of which the Scriptures wish to speak, not concerning everything,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.