Who Has Most Influenced Your Approach to Biblical Counseling? 

Our heavenly Father designed us to be connected to one another and to be impacted by each other. So, we all have been influenced by various people. And our approach to, model of, practice of, and thinking about biblical counseling is in no small way influenced by others. I’ve been thinking about that influence lately…

Here are 5 people or groups of people who, by their lives, writings, ministries, and/or friendship have most influenced me as a biblical counselor…

As you read my thoughts, perhaps your mind will be stirred up to picture those who have most influenced you as a biblical counselor. I’d love to hear (in the comments) who has had the greatest influence on you as a biblical counselor…

5. David Powlison

David Powlison (1949-2019) impacted me by his writing, by his demeanor, and by his friendship.

David’s writings, even as many of his titles and subtitles make explicit, maintained a beautiful blend of truth and love. Notice that I didn’t say “balance,” but “blend.” David wasn’t seeking to have a 50/50 balance of truth and love, but a 100%/100% blending of God’s truth through Christ’s love.


To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.