Here’s a conversation or internal narrative we’ve all had at one time or another:

“I honestly start the day with a positive attitude and it just seems like there’s always something that comes against me; something goes wrong, then something else. I really try but I just get so tired of it. I find myself huffing and murmuring, ‘Like I need this today!’”

We feel this. We resonate with the weariness. So, what do we say to someone or ourselves when things come at us at just the wrong time?

Mary’s Imperfect Timing

We all know the story, Luke 2:6, “And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son.” This is the Christmas story and Mary is found faithfully, inconspicuously giving birth in what could only be seen humanly as imperfect timing. 

Remember, Mary and Joseph aren’t married yet. To have a child in this way is really inconvenient. God could’ve waited a little longer, maybe until she was married and the stigma of unwed motherhood wouldn’t be present. It’s not the way Mary would’ve preferred it.

They have a big trip forced upon them. The government

To the full-length post originally published on this site.