A Year of Unprecedented Growth

In 2021, the focus has been on the pandemic and the threat that it poses to our physical health. Yet, the threat to our mental health has largely been overlooked. In 2021, the number of counseling sessions has increased by approximately 35% (close to 1000 sessions, some multiple hours)! That has posed a challenge for my own mental health. I am wired to “get things done” but even this caseload has challenged my bandwith to respond to the requests for counseling. From marriages traumatized by infidelity, individuals experiencing debilitating anxiety and depression, to profound loneliness, people are hurting. I am thankful for the addition of Dale Zarlenga as he has absorbed some of the increase in counseling cases.

A Year of Minimal Travel but Not Impact

Although travel has been picking back up, most of the speaking events this year have shifted to Zoom. This year, I did several marriage webinars with churches in Toronto and New York. I also pre-recorded a series of talks for a group in Australia around my newest book, Unstuck: A Nine-Step Journey to Change that Lasts.

New Online Courses

In 2021, I partnered with Trinity Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, AL

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.