A new year is upon us and the occasion affords the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and pray. In recent weeks I’ve been exploring the poetry of Marianne Farningham who wrote the bulk of her works in the late 1800s. Among them was this poetic prayer for a new year. Perhaps you’d like to make her prayer your own as you set out into 2022…

Father, who givest us
Now the new year,
Grant that Thy mercy
May with it appear;
Lead us the path along
Which we must go;
Choose Thou our portion
Of pleasure or woe.

Father, Thy blessing give
Brightening each day;
Be Thou our comforter,
Hear when we pray.
Let us not go alone
Out in the wild;
Let Thy forgiving love
Shelter each child.

Whate’er our work shall be
Let us have light;
What our hands find to do
Doing with might;
Faithfully serving Thee
While it is day,
So be the happy year
Passing away.

Father, Thy wisdom give,
Let us be strong;
Keep us from grieving Thee
Doing the wrong.
Oh, let us hear Thy voice
Calling us near,
Oh, let us see the way
Clearly appear.

Father, we cannot

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.