Grace and peace to you today.

Westminster Books is offering 50% off their top sellers from 2021.

There are a couple of new Kindle deals today.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Squiggly Line of God’s Providence)

Greedy for Gain

“There’s something ugly, something character revealing, about the politician who squeezes absolutely every inch out of their entitlements. Those who make sure that every dollar of those things that they can technically claim is used up, and who spend the time to do so.” And, as Stephen McAlpine points out, it’s not just politicians…

I Must Die

“Death is an enemy, no doubt. It’s seeks to undo everything God intended. Yet, the work of dying to self is a sanctifying work, a work that removes, slowly overtime, what is unlovely in our character and replaces it with true life, light, and love.”

Being Somebody

“At my house growing up, I was somebody. When my mom asked if somebody would bring in firewood, or let the dog out, or fetch the groceries, I knew she was talking to me. As the youngest child, I ended up being the last somebody in the house besides my parents, so I got to be

To the full-length post originally published on this site.