In making a decision it is always wise to check out what the Bible says about the matter.  Often, you will find a direct, specific command: “You shall not commit adultery.”  There will be no doubt in your mind as to what God’s will is in the matter.

There are however many decisions about which there is no biblical command.  If you read that you are not to commit adultery and you happen to be involved in that very sin when you read the command and are convicted, you may (should) want to stop immediately.  Now comes another decision—how should you break off the sinful relationship?

About this latter decision, there is no specific command. Should you go personally to the other party and tell her/him your decision? Send an email? A letter? Perhaps phone? Possibly go together with your pastor to break the news?  How will you make this decision?

First, it is clear that you should use wisdom.  In all judgment calls, like this one, wisdom from the application of larger biblical principles must prevail.  But, perhaps, you don’t know what is the wisest thing to do.  What then?


OK.  That’s good.  What else?

Proverbs says that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.