As a biblical counselor, do you ever feel that you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth? I mean that in the best way possible, by the way! Let me give you an example:

To one counselee you’re trying to encourage them and motivate them to get moving and do something, and then the next counselee comes in and you’re trying to slow him down and help him make purposeful, wise decisions. Or one counselee comes in who does not want to open up emotionally and you’re encouraging him that Jesus was full of emotions and showed joy, sadness, anger, etc. at the right time in the proper way. And then the next counselee gets help from Scripture on not being controlled by emotions and not sharing every feeling they have with everyone.

Why is this a normal experience for a biblical counselor? Because the Bible is full of tension, and as counselor and follower of Jesus we need to be very comfortable living in the tension.

What is biblical tension?

When I use the word ‘tension’, here’s what I mean: there are two truths that are both equally true but on the surface they seem opposite

To the full-length post originally published on this site.