Someone recently asked if I knew what it felt like to have my life taken from me. It was a rhetorical question. I answered anyways, “Yeah, I really do.”


Almost four years ago, my husband and I contracted Lyme disease with its accompanying co-infections, viruses, and inflammatory conditions. I had crushing fatigue, brain fog, radiating pain, twitching and tremors, insomnia, depression, dizziness, nausea, and infections from my face to my ankles. It took two years to get a diagnosis and by then I had steadily deteriorated from the vibrant fireball people knew and loved to “Neal Woollard’s sick wife.” I worked hard to maintain my high energy and fast-paced life, but as treatment began I watched it all slip away. I missed writing deadlines, cancelled discipleship meetings and teaching events, and stepped back from opportunities I had dreamt about. I was losing everything but all I could think about was sleep. I just wanted to sleep. Who was this?

I’m now two years into treatment and remain positive, but we don’t expect remission in the immediate future. Even then, there’s always the possibility of a relapse. I’ve taken a sabbatical from the work I’ve poured

To the full-length post originally published on this site.