I suppose you would say that there are two views of how to do it—Now, wait a minute, I’m not talking about all of the various ways in which one might frame a sermon. Nor am I getting into the biblical theology controversy, though there’s plenty to say about it! There is only one thing I want to say, and that’s this: read and preach your Old Testament with New Testament eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

If you don’t get it, I suppose I still have something to talk about. I was going to leave it there thinking my words would be perfectly clear. Oh, well, here it goes.

Ask yourself how the New Testament writers viewed and proclaimed the messages of the Old Testament Books of the Bible. They interpreted and preached the Old Testament through New Testament lenses. They did not, could not, would not be true to their calling if they didn’t. Things had happened since the Lord had come, died, risen, and ascended to heaven. How could they ever look at the Old Testament as they had before Pentecost?

The very passages that seemed to mean one thing beforehand, took on entirely meanings when they

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.