If you grew up in church, there’s a decent chance that you take penal substitution for granted. In other words, if your background is solidly evangelical, you might assume that everyone naturally affirms the atonement as the act by which Christ satisfied the law’s demands, assuaged the wrath of God, and cleansed guilty sinners of all their unrighteousness.

But this assumption isn’t necessarily true. For many, commitment to penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) has eroded. Our paganized culture rejects the fundamental tenets of the Christian worldview, particularly the biblical doctrine of God that undergirds PSA. This erosion has had major effects on the evangelical movement. Pastors, therefore, need to help their people understand God’s justice and holiness as well as the central tenets of PSA. To do that, you might consider recommending these five books on this precious doctrine to your people.

The Holiness of God | This classic by R. C. Sproul is not a technical monograph on the cross. But it unpacks the doctrine behind the doctrine. In other words, our doctrine of God undergirds our doctrine of the cross. God’s holiness necessitates the death of the Son of God. Unless the covenant people are washed white as snow, they

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