Grace and peace to you on this fine day.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Message for Young Women)

Faith Like A Beach House

You may identify with this. “I had foolishly thought that time would be the vehicle of sanctification, that being an older Christian would automatically make me a more Christ-like Christian. But it hasn’t.”

The Only Topic More Controversial Than Religion or Politics

“We are all dependent on parenting to wean us off of immature thinking. The world we are looking at right now, however, is in large degree a reflection of a major shift in parenting.” Interesting…

Does God love me just the way I am?

Ligon Duncan provides a really good answer to this question.

Discipled by Everyone and No One

“Round the turn of the century, some 20 years ago, well-informed citizens might claim 20 sources of news. They’d watch a national and local TV news program, pick up a newspaper delivery or two each morning, wait each week or month on a few magazine subscriptions, forward some emails with bizarre threats, and tune in during morning and evening commutes to a talk radio station or two.” How different it is today!

To the full-length post originally published on this site.