This article was written by BCC Counselor Brandon Lowery as part of our new series on addiction. In this series, our counselors are sharing how everyone can understand, overcome, and find freedom from addiction.

I got sober in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

That may sound strange to hear from a biblical counselor, but the truth is I came out of a lifestyle of addiction through court-ordered participation in Alcoholics Anonymous.

I found a sponsor, worked the twelve steps, sponsored others, led large group meetings, and attended a house-based small group. Then I left Alcoholics Anonymous three years into sobriety in 2008.

By God’s grace, I found there was more than A.A.

Many who struggle with addictions find their start in AA, NA, SA, and similar programs, but many haven’t considered that there could be something better for them in the long run.

In this post, I’ll share my story about how God used my church in a more powerful way than AA on my path to freedom and sobriety.

What AA does well, the local church can and is called to do better.

Consistent Fellowship

 A friend and I recently talked about his relapse after years in AA. He

To the full-length post originally published on this site.