Editor’s note: You can purchase It Is Well here.

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From time to time I’ve been asked, “Where is the cross in your church?” People look around our 1911 meeting house and find no cross there. You won’t find it in gold, silver, or wood. You won’t find it embroidered on a banner or carved in the paneling. It’s nowhere on the pulpit or on the table. Where is it? It’s there. It’s there at the heart of our church. It’s in the Bible. It’s in the sermons. It’s in the songs and the prayers. And it’s in the hearts of the people. (12)

The truth of the Word, the cross in the Bible, explodes into glorious joy at the foundation and heart of our life together as a church. When we experience that solemn joy, that deep delight, that loud celebration together, whether we’re at the Lord’s Table or simply rejoicing after confessing our sins in prayer, the cross is seen to be the center of our church. (13)

You and I need deliverance from bondage to sin and from the fatal judgment of God, and that deliverance will come only through the blood of

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.