Easter will soon be upon us, and I know that many Christians will take the opportunity to specially reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are extremely well-resourced when it comes to books on the subject and I thought I’d list a few recommendations here. In each case I’ve linked to the appropriate page on Westminster Books, though you’ll certainly find most of them at other stores as well.

I will begin with some devotional works (most of which are meant to be read over the 30 or 40 days leading up to Easter), then provide some full-length books.

Rich Wounds: The Countless Treasures of the Life, Death, and Triumph of Jesus by David Mathis is brand new and includes 30 brief meditations. The Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp is meant to offer reflections through the 40 days of Lent. To Seek and to Save: Daily Reflections on the Road to the Cross by Sinclair Ferguson will prove every bit as much worth the read as all of his other books. The Glory of the Cross: Reflections for Lent from the Gospel of John, The Beauty of the Cross: Reflections

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.