Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Logos users will want to check in and make their next selections in March Matchups.

(Yesterday on the blog: Do You Ever Wonder Whether You’re A Christian at All?)

Is Congregational Singing Dead?

This article says that “the practice of congregational singing in church is threatened by a sea change in how people relate to music outside of church. All is not lost, however: the church, if it commits to the weirdness of congregational singing, might work to rebuild a culture of communal music-making within and outside the church, use that culture to invite people into the church, and – most importantly – continue to offer psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to Almighty God.”

On the Fence

“The midst of a car accident is not the best time to consider whether or not Jesus is who He says He is. Although it’s better than never considering the Jesus question, it’s still not the optimal time.” And yet…

The Disproportional Response

This is well worth thinking about. “Our churches seem to be becoming indistinguishable from our surrounding culture when it comes to how we respond to hurt.”

What Eats our Treasures? Vermin or Rust?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.