A soft answer turns away wrath.
But a foolish word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1
Every time I read that Proverb, I think of Ping Pong.
“How’s that?”
Oh . . . it just seems to illustrate the principle in the proverb so well!
“Don’t get it.”
You see, many Proverbs are pictured principles of portable truth.
“What about Ping Pong?”
Oh! Here’s what I meant. One player slams a ball as hard as he can. What happens after that?
The other guy has to move away in order to receive it. It drives them farther apart.
“Yeah? And……?”
And if he slams one back just as hard, or harder, that separates them all the more.
But if he simply answers the slam with a gentle return by merely holding his paddle still in receiving it, the ball barely goes back over the net and . . .
“and that draws them closer together.”
Right! So what’s the principle in the picture?
“Don’t slam people?”
I give up.
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.