“People. . . people . . . people . . . .”

So? If not people, then what?

“I don’t know—I’m just plain disgusted with people!”

How come?

“They keep letting me down.”

Well, is that all their fault or do you bear some responsibility for choosing undependable ones?

“What do you mean?”

Listen to Proverbs 26:6, “He who sends messages by the hand of a stubborn fool, cuts off his own feet and drinks injury.”

“Wow! That’s strong language.

But probably just the language you need to hear. There is, of course, no excuse for the fool’s negligence. He is definitely to be condemned if he assumes a responsibility that he doesn’t fulfill. But you have a responsibility to choose wisely when depending on someone to do a task.

“Hmmm. I guess that’s right. What’s the ‘drinking injury’ mean?”

When you drink something, you are pouring it into yourself. That is, you injure yourself. To enlist a fool, is to guzzle down injury.

“I think I get the ‘cutting off feet” bit—I might as well have none to get if I depend on him to get it done. He’s no help–no feet to take the place of mine.”


To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.