To the person who said hello yesterday when I was out and about: It was great to meet you, however briefly. I apologize that I was “in the zone” and didn’t get out of it on time to get to know you more!

Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks from Zondervan.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for the Bereaved)

The Internet Is Pornographically-Shaped

“The sense of an absolute kind of power to immediately satisfy any curiosity, any itch, any impulse is intrinsic not to pornography but to the Web. If at the bottom of all pornography use is a fallen desire to be put at the center of our world, to feel favored and loved without any of the sacrifice or coming out of ourselves that such love demands, then the Internet is a machine that exists in a very real sense for the sole purpose of facilitating this fantasy. The Internet does not merely contain pornography. It is a pornographically-shaped entity.”

Updating the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy: A Proposal

Behind the specific details here is a thought-provoking question: What would it meant to change a statement like the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.