Perhaps you’ve seen it on TV or heard it on the radio. An ad begins with a host of happy and energetic young voices talking on top of each other. Then, a narrator asks the question: “What do you want to be?” After several responses from teens regarding their confusing quest to establish their identity, we hear the invitation: “Whoever you want to be, it’s yours to make on Instagram!”

Two thoughts jumped into my head. First, Instagram’s marketing team has really tapped into our kids’ urgent yearning to answer that all-important question: “Who am I?” Of course, it’s hard to imagine a more dangerous guide than Instagram. Which leads me to my second thought, one that’s short and sweet: “Ugghh!”

Because we all swim in the so-called cultural soup, it’s easy to miss the significance of this 30-second Instagram ad. But if we take the time to reflect on this cultural artifact, it’s clear that it’s both directive and reflective. As a directive piece, it lays out a map for our vulnerable kids to follow in order to find their way on the identity-formation trail. As a reflectivepiece, it offers us a wide-open look into the basic beliefs we

To the full-length post originally published on this site.