Perhaps one of the great needs of our cultural moment is to consider the ways we, as moms and dads, have succumbed to the cultural winds of our era and how we may have left our children exposed to those harsh and deadly gale force gusts. Would our acceptance of certain cultural norms be shocking to Christians from other eras? Our movie choices? Our narcissistic tendencies? Our luxury beliefs? Our lack of conviction over biblical truth? Our lack of obedience to biblical commands?

Every generation has weaknesses and blind spots, but today’s Christian moms and dads are facing a world of expressive individualism in all its varied and sundry forms––from an obsession with one’s so-called gender as the defining self-demarcation to an obsession with personality tests to define one’s core inner self. The world is awash in self-identity and the need to express it far and wide.

This is why parents must be relentless as they evaluate whether this trend has taken hold—or more likely, to what degree it has taken hold—in themselves. Ruthlessly cut it out; ruthlessly reject yourself and your sense of things as the center of the universe; ruthlessly deny any desire to express a godless inner

To the full-length post originally published on this site.