by Nate Brooks

This is the last in a four-part series on ways complementarian men can degrade into patriarchy in the way they consider their wives’ interpretation of and reaction to situations and their desires.

Today’s post concludes this series with a word on theological aptitude. The three most manipulative or abusive husbands I have counseled all had studied theology formally or served in positions of leadership within the church. Like everything beautiful, the study of theology can turn ugly when not employed to grow humility. 

4) Theological Aptitude

Pastors, by God’s design, are male. The briefest glance at any pastor’s bookshelf reveals that the overwhelming majority of theological books are written by men. I have been a part of three theological seminary communities over the last nine years and men outnumber women by at least a ratio of 4:1 at each.

An easy conclusion from these facts would be that men are inherently more gifted or more inclined towards serious theological study than are women. Such a conclusion fails to understand different ways in which theological interest is pursued and applied. Comparatively speaking, very few women are going to be working in a vocational environment where a theological degree

To the full-length post originally published on this site.