Prayer. As counselors, we notice that it is often a perplexing and difficult discipline for those we are seeking to help. Yet, right prayer is so crucial to a growing relationship with our God. Our own Lord was known for spending much time in prayer and we should be faithful to teach prayer to those who come to us for help. Below I’ve summarized five easy ways you could begin to use to teach your counselees to pray.

Set an example. Start and end each counseling session with prayer. Make your prayers substantial and meaningful, not rote duplicates each session. Don’t rush through your prayers. Take stock of your own prayer life. Is it growing in intimacy with your Creator? Teach plainly that the Bible is “God talking to you”, and that prayer is, “You responding to God.” Give examples of how your counselee might read a passage of Scripture and then respond in prayer to God. Teach them to be completely honest before God saying things they might be thinking like, “Wow, God. I can’t believe that really happened! But you said it did. Help me believe.” Help them to practice every time they read Scripture to have

To the full-length post originally published on this site.