To many people, Easter is just another family holiday, and to some, it may even be a time of stress and drama. However, Easter can change how we view just about everything in life.

For those seeking hope amidst some of the most difficult trials of life, Easter should be a tremendous source of hope!

The hope of Easter matters whether you are facing a dead marriage, terminal illness, or an unbreakable habit. The hope of Easter matters if you are crushed by the weight of betrayal, depression, or grief. The hope of Easter matters when you feel despair about your future, family, or faith.

If God can raise people from the dead, there is hope that He can help you through your situation. When we grasp the reality of the resurrection, we find four ways Easter brings hope to our everyday lives.

1. Easter gives me hope that God is loving towards me.

When we are experiencing trials in life, we can doubt the goodness of God. We may think, “If God loved me, He would stop this unwanted divorce, chronic addiction, or life-threatening illness.”

However, while that mindset is easy to slip into, Easter reminds us that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.