Ever need just a few tips to think about to improve your counseling? This article is a reflection on watching a sermon on the greatness of Jesus that I decided to apply to a counseling context. Here is the video if you want an opportunity to sit back and learn about how Jesus Christ ministers. The passage covered is John 4:1-42. Here Jesus provides us a learning opportunity to improve our counseling.
Tip #1: Good Counselors Are Humble
In verse 7, Jesus asks the Samaritan woman for a drink of water. The one who created water is asking for water. Status is not keeping Jesus from asking for water, nor gender, or ethnicity. I am struck by the humility of the request. Counselees are drawn to humble counselors. When they see humility in action it changes the interaction they have with you. How do I try to put humility in action? One way is I discuss my salvation testimony during the first session. It shows I have a need for Jesus. This also allows me to then ask about the counselee’s salvation story. Another way is that during the first session, I discuss how I need the gospel and good
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.