A Twitter Question

Yesterday, on Twitter, domestic abuse biblical counselor, Chris Moles, asked:

“What was it that woke you up to the prevalence of #DomesticAbuse ? An experience? A resource?”

I hesitated to respond with my experience—feeling false shame even half-a-century later. But then, for the first time, even as a sixty-two-year-old author-pastor-counselor, I put it into writing publicly. Here’s my Twitter reply to Pastor Moles…and to the world:

“Growing up in a home in the 60s and 70s where I experienced and witnessed domestic abuse from an abusive, alcoholic father. Then, as an adult and a pastor/counselor, committing to assure that victims had the support of the Christian community and the legal system.”

My Story: Being Shamed Into “Suffering Well” 

I was nine. My three older brothers and I had to try to wrestle my abusive, drunk dad off of my mom.

Our two younger sisters watched in horror.

In that moment, one of us, I’m not sure which one, did something we had never done before.

One of us called the police.

It was 1968, so someone picked the phone off the hook on the wall and likely dialed the operator. I have no clue what was said.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.