Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include an interesting title by Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra.

(Yesterday on the blog: Deconstruction, Exvangelicals, and Jumping Overboard from an Ocean Liner)

Should Christians Always Submit to the Government?

Robert W. Yarbrough comments on Romans 13 and whether Christians should always submit to the government.

We have to work in the confines of reality

“Jesus has not called us to shepherd churches other than the ones he has given us. He doesn’t ask us to think about all the great things we would do for him if everything was different. He calls us to faithfully serve him, and the people he has given us to care for, where we are, within all the realities of our context.”

Changing Who We Spend Time with as We Get Older

There are some interesting visualizations here about who we spend time with as we get older. This data can be helpful as we seek to prepare ourselves for the years ahead and as we serve people in our churches.

Who Are the True People of God?

Here’s a covenantal perspective on the question, “Who are the true people of God?”


To the full-length post originally published on this site.