The God of love and peace be with you today.

Westminster Books is doing some spring cleaning which means they have some really good deals for you.

There are a few more Kindle deals to consider today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Why Do Billionaires Want to Live Forever?)

What We Need is Power

Jared Wilson: “Should we go into God’s inerrant, infallible, inspired word looking only for things to do, we will come away with God’s good instructions for the good life but without the power to actually do them. The power to obey does not lie in the commandments. The power to get through the day does not come from the instructions on how to get through it. The power to glorify God is in the glorious gospel, which says not ‘Do’ but ‘Done!’”

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

“Some Christian circles assume that if a pastor or church is drawing in sinners, they must be compromising the message of the Bible. Maybe they’re seeker-sensitive, watering down the more offensive doctrines of Christianity. On the flip side, pastors who have a reputation for castigating sinners, faithfully exposing the sins of society, must be doing something right. But the truth

To the full-length post originally published on this site.