Good morning, my friends. Grace and peace to you.

There are several interesting Kindle deals today, most of them related to church history.

(Yesterday on the blog: It Is No More Death, But A Sweet Departure)

Pornography and Church Discipline

“Because of pornography’s seriousness, churches are right to take serious steps to eradicate it from the life of a believer.” Garrett Kell tells if and when church discipline may be necessary for those who are deep into pornography.

A Happy Ending without an End

Randy Alcorn tells how he is doing several weeks after the death of his dear wife. “I do indeed sense His closeness. At the same time, grief and sometimes depression come upon me in waves. But they do not drive out Jesus or the Holy Spirit, both of whom indwell me (Romans 8:8-11). Nor can they separate me from God the Father.”

Living the good life

Andrée Seu Peterson reflects on aging (and Elon Musk).

Is the assurance of our salvation found in our faith or in our works?

The Ligonier Teaching Fellows discuss assurance of salvation.

Reflections On Ukraine, From A Survivor Of Sudan’s Civil War

David Fugoyo: “I lived most of my life

To the full-length post originally published on this site.