How should Western churches partner with churches in Africa? Mike Christ—the dean of the Central Africa Baptist University in Zambia—recently interviewed Ken Mbugua—the lead pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Nairobi—about this question. Below is an edited transcript of their conversation.


Mike Christ: You lead Ekklesia Afrika, which developed out of a burden for theological education for pastors. How did God give you that burden? 

Ken Mbugua: I did an internship in 2014 at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC and came back with a strong desire to see healthy churches spread across the continent, starting with East Africa. The internship was heavy on books. It laid a burden on me that, by helping pastors read and discuss good books, a lot of fruit could come. 

So that’s where we started. We invited a couple of partners to Nairobi and laid out the vision. We began by saying we wanted to set up a resource hub because we noticed that in Africa resources are not available, affordable, or accessible. When they are available, often they are too expensive for most African pastors. When they are affordable, they’re still not very accessible. Our long-term goal is for Ekklesia Afrika to become a full-fledged

To the full-length post originally published on this site.