Church planting, in one sense, is just like any other pastoring. Yet it also forces pastors to deal with unique situations. Would-be planters, therefore, should count the cost and prepare accordingly. 

In this church planting roundtable, six church planters—national and international—explain how they wish they had counted the cost, which yields counsel for the rest of us. We trust their candor will serve other church planters as they begin the work of planting a new congregation. 


Will Forrest 

Jesus provides some practical insight on the cost of discipleship: no one builds a house without first counting the cost (Luke 14:25-33). If this is true of building a house, how much truer should it be of the disciple? There is a cost in following Jesus. So with church planters. We should count the cost of the labor before starting a church. Church planting will cost whatever you are willing to pay. There is no amount of energy, time, relational capacity, or personal health that will not be depleted if you are willing to expend it in your planting efforts. 

Within the first few years of our church

To the full-length post originally published on this site.