May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

I have only found one Kindle deals so far today, but it’s a good one at least.

Why Pro-Abortion Activists Desecrate Churches

Carl Trueman: “The church service is not simply a convenient place to intimidate pro-life campaigners. To attack a worship service is not simply to annoy the participants. It is to profane the sacred. It is to enact that which abortion itself represents. It is to spit on the very identity of those worshipping and thus upon the God whom they worship. It is to strike at the very heart of what Christians believe it means to be human, a dependent creature in the presence of a holy God.”

Why I got out of Twitter

Ray Ortlund’s reasons for leaving Twitter sound a lot like my own.

Screaming in the Face of Death

“It is difficult to tell if the countenance is grinning, scowling, or yawning open with insatiable hunger, but it seems that Death’s face is closer than usual as it stares out from the inky shadows at the edges of life. Death feels more present than usual right now.” It really does, doesn’t it?

A Conveyor

To the full-length post originally published on this site.