It has been a good few days for Christian writing and I’m glad to share a roundup of some of the articles I’ve discovered in my online wanderings.

Over at Westminster Books you’ll find a discount on Kevin DeYoung’s new book.

There is a number of Kindle deals to glance at today.

The Tearing Apart of Convictional Civility

“Something has changed in the air of evangelicalism in recent years. Once-aspirational words like ‘winsome’ and ‘thoughtful’ or descriptors like ‘nuanced’ and ‘kind’ now trigger an attitude of dismissiveness and sneering from many on the right.” Trevin Wax shares some really good thoughts here.

Preaching Is Culturally Determined

Eddie reminds us that the style of our preaching is culturally determined. I love this: “it is one of the anomalies of systematic expository preaching that preachers will take one of Jesus’ wonderful self-explanatory parables and turn them into three tightly argued (alliterative) points.”

By Faith Abel

“Why did God approve of Abel’s offering, but not Cain’s? It’s not a simple question to answer, especially if you limit yourself to the facts of the story as told in Genesis.” Rebecca offers a compelling take on the matter.

The FAQs: Report Reveals

To the full-length post originally published on this site.