Humans like to think that we are in control.  Whether you want to control your own life or believe that another person is in control of your life, the conclusion remains: life is about control. The human quest for control always ends in tyranny or depression. The simple truth is that humans were not designed to be in control.

Humans labor mightily for control. Some will continue to fight to be in control. For others, once that battle appears to be lost despair, depression, disillusionment and discouragement settle in. And then there are those in the middle — fighting for control and feeling it slip away.

The quest for control starts at birth. Babies naturally want to be fed, dry and know comfort. When one of these conditions is not met, even infants exert control. Later on, there is a toy that is appealing, someone’s attention that is desired, and yes, feelings of hunger still matter. Wanting control is still huge. Teenagers want control of their time, of how they are perceived, and the lives of those they may be attracted to. There is often resentment of parental control.

Not surprisingly, adults continue to want control over the outcomes

To the full-length post originally published on this site.