This article was written by BCC Counselor Jim Lang as part of our new series on addiction. In this series, our counselors are sharing how everyone can understand, overcome, and find freedom from addiction.

How does sexual addiction compare to other addictions? This is a question that men and women coming to counseling often struggle with.

Let’s start to answer this question with another question: How do we view alcoholism?

Most people believe that alcohol addiction is real and people can develop an unhealthy dependence on alcohol. They also believe that people who struggle with addiction to alcohol can find freedom they could otherwise never know by seeking help from God, family, medical intervention, accountability groups, etc.

Many of us have seen firsthand a friend, relative, or public celebrity who was a train wreck destroying everyone and everything in their path until God helped them see a better path. It’s a beautiful thing.

However, did you know that in the early 1900s, alcoholism was seen as a moral failure with no cure other than eventual death? Alcoholics were seen as the dregs of society, and in many cases, their families placed them in insane asylums. Things have changed a lot

To the full-length post originally published on this site.