This article was written by BCC Counselor Jin Taek Chung as part of our new series on addiction. In this series, our counselors are sharing how everyone can understand, overcome, and find freedom from addiction.

“Bet you can’t eat just one,” a potato chip company once confidently challenged shoppers.

They knew very well how the deep-fried carbs, garnished with a hint of seasoning, combined into a satisfying crisp would likely keep us reaching in the bag for at least one more. Perhaps you sense a craving within you for potato chips upon the thought of it.

The truth is addictions reveal something deeper about us as people.

Deeper than the surface issues, a spiritual war is raging within our hearts: a battle between contentment and indulgence, between selfishness and service.

The spiritual reality is that addictions draw us further away from God’s purpose.

If we are going to win the battle over addictions, we need to understand the spiritual reality of what is really going on in the struggle with addictive behavior.

The Root of Addiction

The reactions within our bodies are visceral ones that take place at a deep level.

Etched within our brains are the patterns

To the full-length post originally published on this site.