Blessings to you, my friends.

(Yesterday on the blog: Are We Performing or Are We Participating?)

One Month After the Roe Leak: Reflections on the Supreme Court’s Draft Opinion

Though we saw many hot takes on that leaked draft of the majority opinion of the Supreme Court, Steven Wedgeworth waited a month to offer some slightly more mature reflections.

Expressive Individualism and the Death of Mental “Illness”

“Everyone who knows anything at all knows you must never attribute someone’s character or behavior to their identity. It is universally agreed in polite society that no person is ever good or bad at something because of their gender, or their race, their family, sexuality, etc. To indulge in this reasoning is at best a crude stereotype, at worst an expression of flagrant bigotry.” Or that’s what we’ve been led to believe…

Why the Promise that Jesus Will Build His Church Does Not Mean He Will Necessarily Build My Church

This is a key distinction.

Beware the Free Steak Dinner and Financial Advice Retirement Seminar

“I recently received another one: an invitation in the mail to a ‘free dinner and retirement discussion.’” I am starting to get those too! Chris

To the full-length post originally published on this site.