God has uniquely created each of us, with a specific set of gifts, talents, skills, and passions. The race set before us is unique to us and no one else. I love the fact that God uses the word race to describe our life’s journey. A race has a beginning and an end, and it requires God’s gracious gifts and our effort to complete it. A race is not a nap, a sojourn, a hobby, a sideline, an idle pastime, or a vacation. It is a contest. A race is meant to be run competitively and seriously. The objective of the race is to give it your best with a view to the finish line and winning. But you may not always win every preliminary race.

Our daughter was a competitive swimmer from the age of six years. I can still remember watching her tiny, wet feet taking her to the starting blocks at what seemed like a huge pool for a six-year-old. The beauty of swimming competitively was this: each swimmer could feel successful even if he or she didn’t win the event. How could they do that? Obviously, every competitor was vying to win the race and equally

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.