Looking for some good reading? Westminster Books is offering great deals on sets of commentaries and reference works.

Whose Choice?

“In 1973 I was 19 years old and a sophomore in college when the Supreme Court decided the Roe vs Wade case and legalized abortion. Honestly, however, I never expected the Court’s landmark decision to affect me personally.” And yet…

4 Thoughts on Spiritual Fatherhood

Jared Wilson: “As I get older, I think more and more about this claim from Paul — and the concept of ‘spiritual fatherhood’ generally — and it seems a pressing issue to me, not just ‘culturally,’ but personally.” He offers some thoughts on what the practice looks like.

OK, so there was Glastonbury

Matthew Hosier reflects on the recent Glastonbury festival.

It’s a Mistake to Take Online Populist Movements Very Seriously

Samuel James: “‘I’m now at a point where the first thing I wonder about a job applicant is, ‘How likely is this person to blow up my organization from the inside?’’ The emerging generation of activists are arriving at these organizations with two things: incredible amounts of leverage over their employers (thanks to the Internet), and incredibly low amounts of personal

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.