A new devotional from Ed Welch released this week. In the same format as his SMALL BOOK ABOUT A BIG PROBLEM (Anger), Ed gently applies biblical truth to our hearts and minds, in order to help us learn how faith in the Lord, and Christ-centered focus, empower us to not be controlled by fear. Here are 17 quotes that renewed my mind, and stirred my affections.

“Whenever God speaks to you about your fears, you can be sure he will say something about being close. He even patiently persuades you that he is close. He piles up the evidence. Still, you can be blind to that evidence when fears are close and anxieties ring loud. The process of letting anxieties go takes practice that engages with God himself—which means you will engage with Jesus.”“Jesus heard the words of the Father in the same way that we do—in Scripture—and there can be no doubt that he enjoyed the closeness of the Father through those words.”“Jesus said, ‘I am the good shepherd’ (John 10:11). When you put your faith in him, then Jesus is your Shepherd. You need a Shepherd; he is pleased to be your full-time, night-and-day Shepherd. As you let

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.