Before summer break, my daughter’s class took an end-of-the-year field trip to a nature preserve. The trail guides gave the kids binoculars to spot wildlife and, in order to look through her binoculars, my daughter took off her glasses and tucked them into her shirt collar. At some point on their hike, her glasses fell from her shirt. And so a few hours later, I was now—yes, you guessed it—on a trail hike! Before she and I left to go look for the glasses, we had prayed as a family that we’d find them. Now my daughter led me along, and we retraced her steps.

Since her trip earlier in the day, it had rained hard. A couple of the trail guides had already gone back to look for the glasses but with no luck—and that was before the rain. So as she and I trudged along the muddy paths, I was trying to carry the mantle of hopefulness for our little two-member search party. “Look along the edges of the path!” “Keep praying!” “Keep your eyes on the ground!” But when we reached the end of the route that her class had traversed without spotting the glasses, discouragement

To the full-length post originally published on this site.