31-Day Devotionals for Life. P&R Publishing. 2020.


It’s a normal Sunday morning. As a pastor, you’ve just preached and are standing at the back of the church, greeting members and guests. One particular member stops, looking particularly dejected, and asks if you could step off to the side. 

“Pastor, can we meet? I’m struggling and need counsel.” 

While our heart goes out, oftentimes our head is spinning. What is the nature of the struggle? How long has it gone on? Am I equipped to help? Sensing your responsibility for your sheep, you arrange a time to talk the following week. 

There is nothing unusual about this illustration. This is normal pastoral ministry. We are appointed as God’s under-shepherds to care for his sheep. This involves strengthening the weak, healing the sick, binding up the injured, and bringing back the straying (Ez. 34:4). But as we do so, we find ourselves in search of tools to help us in this privileged task. 

Regardless of the church, every pastor needs “go-to” resources they can give to those seeking counsel. Enter 31-Day Devotionals for Life. 

How Are These Devotionals Useful in Pastoral Ministry?

31-Day Devotionals for Life are a series of monthly

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.