Written by BCC Director of Training, Dr. Joel Badal

When it comes to our spiritual lives, the benefits received from relationships with well-trained individuals can be immense.

For over 23 years, I have had the privilege of serving in a variety of ministries. Each of them focused on discipleship of God’s people in fulfilling Ephesians 4:11, “equipping people to do the work of the ministry.”

Equipping is a key part of discipleship and it is essential that we learn how the Bible teaches us to care and train people. That’s really the beginning point for every individual and church who is considering BCC’s counseling training.

We want you to grow in your discipleship and be trained to make a spiritual impact on others.

When considering effective training, we want to prioritize three key goals: “personal growth, sound doctrine, and comprehensive equipping.”

Goal #1 – Personal Growth (Hebrews 6:1)

Hebrews calls us to “move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity.” One of the Psalms tells us to be like tree planted, yielding fruit.

That’s a growth curve initiative for every Christian.

The best part of BCC’s biblical counseling courses is that each course engages the learner

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.