I have been asked to do quite a number of interviews recently and, as a courtesy to those who have invited me, wanted to link to some of them: Real Truth for Today (audio); Bible Gateway (written); Guilt Grace Gratitude (audio); LIFE Today (video).

The other day I mentioned that Westminster Books has launched a site specifically for kids’ books. They’ve done a great job of it and provide an explanation here.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few interesting books.

Progressive Views on Sexuality Will Ultimately Fail

Trevin Wax says, rightly, that “we’ll likely see more churches and denominations adopt the revisionist view of sexuality, but over time, the bankruptcy of this position will be evident.”

Two Hundred Years Ago, the Rosetta Stone Unlocked the Secrets of Ancient Egypt

This is a neat telling of the discovery and importance of the Rosetta Stone.

I Want to Be Baptized — My Husband Opposes It

John Piper answers a question from a woman who wants to be baptized, but whose husband is opposed.

A Lesson from Liz Cheney’s Loss

Kevin DeYoung: “This is not going to be a deep dive into electoral politics. That’s not my lane. But I do want to reflect

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.