If you’re a Logos user, be sure to check out the free and nearly-free book of the month. At the very least you’ll get an excellent commentary for free!

Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of titles from Crossway and Zondervan.

(Yesterday on the blog: 7 Beautiful Things)

A Principle for Conversational Prayer

Greg Koukl: “Let me start with a frank admission: Prayer is difficult for me. Some things come easily, but prayer is not one of them. Of course, this does not make prayer optional in the least. It simply means I have to work harder at it to be consistent and effective.”

Surgeons of the Soul

“We have such good news in our possession of grace, truth, beauty, and everlasting Paradise offered to all who anchor their trust in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Is it because we don’t think it will be received as good news? Are we afraid it will offend someone and rock the boat?”

Can We Overemphasize the Cross?

“Is it possible to undervalue Christ’s sufferings by overemphasizing the cross?” I suppose so if we underemphasize Jesus’ life.

New Cardinals for the Future Conclave

“When the reigning

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.