Luke 17:17

Ten lepers were cleansed of leprosy because they obeyed. But the obedience of nine was evidently self-centered. Only one returned to thank Jesus and praise God for his healing—and “He was a Samaritan.” The thoughtlessness of forgiven sinners is often similar to this incident. Christians, like these Jews, are happy to be saved, but then take their salvation more or less for granted. The Jews considered themselves God’s people and, perhaps, had the idea that they were entitled to God’s goodness. The Samaritan recognized that he was not. Actually, neither Jew, nor Gentile, nor Samaritan deserves anything from God—all is of grace for all who receive it. Are you truly grateful for your salvation? Do you take the time to return to Jesus and praise God for it? Or, having been saved, do you just run off to show yourself to the priests! Of course, there are no priests today—but gratitude is still in order!

Now thank we all our God
with heart and hands and voices,
who wondrous things hath done,
in whom his world rejoices;
who from our mothers’ arms,
hath blessed us on our way …


From Jay E. Adams, Day by Day Along

To the full-length post originally published on this site.