To publicly herald God’s Word is an act of worship (2 Tim. 2:15), and a stewardship for which we’ll give an account. Here are five ways expository preaching beautifies Christ’s bride.  

1. Expository preaching teaches church members how to interpret Scripture.

By regularly sitting under expository preaching, our members learn important interpretive skills. They hear the pastor say things like this:  

“Beloved, look at the text. What does this word mean?” “Does the context help us?” “What is the ‘therefore’ there for?” “What does the author intend for us to understand?” “How do you think the Israelites would have received this Word?” “Why did the Holy Spirit inspire the author to repeat this word four times in this text?” “Can you see how this theme of God saving his people through judgment appears once again as it did in chapter eight last week?”  

When you work through a text, you train your congregation to ask the right questions. Your members will learn that sometimes a passage only makes sense when you read the entire chapter or book. They will learn the rules of interpreting various genres of Scripture.  

You will

To the full-length post originally published on this site.