Let’s start with the big picture… 

Every organization—from a Fortune 500 company to government bureaucracy to a non-profit—must define and align themselves according to four essential elements: strategy, operations, finances, and people. These decisions will determine how every organization will faithfully steward its resources and execute its mission. 

  • Strategy – This answers the identity question. Who are we? Why do we exist? What are our goals, objectives, purpose, vision, and mission? What key principles and core values define who we are (i.e., our “DNA”)? The Bible has much to say about the church’s strategy. The church is the body of Christ and ambassadors for King Jesus. Its strategy is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. 
  • Operations This answers the function question. Considering who we are (identity), what do we do? How do we operate? Again, the Bible answers these questions for the church. The church gathers to preach the Word, sing the Word, read the Word, pray the Word, and see the Word (i.e., practice the Lord’s Supper and baptism). Practically,

    To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.