What’s the correct size for a church? Is it possible for a church to be too big? What happens when a church grows to the point it no longer fits in one building? Here’s the popular answer: start another service. But let’s assume you are committed to one service only. Your building is full on Sunday. Now what? 

The first thing to do is examine all the options. Assuming you’ve ruled out multiple services or multi-site, then there are really only four choices. 

Option 1: Do nothing. 

Pretty self-explanatory. 

Option 2: Carve off part of the church and send them out to do a church plant or church revitalization. 

Note: A variation of this option would include carving off part of your church and having them meet in the same building, but at a different time. You might be thinking to yourself, “That sounds like multiple services.” That’s true; it does sound like it. But if the second gathering has its own pastors and distinct membership, then you actually have two churches meeting in the same building. One church with multiple services is an oxymoron since the essence of

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