A church’s health is nurtured by biblically sound preaching. God uses his infallible Word to grow his church. But this isn’t an article about preaching; it’s about retirement. 

The connection between sound preaching and a congregation’s health is obvious. But what’s the relationship between a church’s health and a pastor’s retirement? Is there a connection? Not directly. Instead, the connection is indirect by virtue of pastoral longevity. A church that is thoughtful about its pastor’s retirement contributes to his longevity, and with longevity comes health. The longer a man pastors one church, generally speaking the more fruit the Spirit will produce through his faithful preaching and shepherding (1 Cor. 3:5–11). 

A generous compensation package contributes to longevity. Pastors experience their congregation’s love when their family “lacks nothing” (Titus 3:13). They’re free to “shepherd the flock of God . . . not for shameful gain, but eagerly” (1 Pet. 5:2). If you play a role in setting your pastor’s compensation, then this article is primarily for you. Healthy churches can proactively plan for and financially invest in their pastor’s retirement as a way to encourage his longevity. 

I need to give a qualifier. Retirement benefits are not applicable

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.